Free Bulk Google Index Checker Tool : Check Your Status

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Google Index Checker

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About Google Index Checker

What is the Google Index Checker tool?

Google indexing your page implies that it has your webpage or your website in its wide database. Google has over 1 billion websites in its database and presents most of these sites as results of queries raised by visitors. Thus, being indexed is a very important moment for any website since Google is the most popular search engine by FAR.

Google indexing is a complex computerized process done by world-class software using state-of-the-art technologies. Google employs a device called a Google spider. This is software that does not need to be run by an individual hence works alone like a robot.

For the indexing process of Google to be beneficial to your website it must be useful at every stage. For Google to proceed from indexing to ranking, the following process is needed to be followed:

1. Crawling

This is the discovery process of Google’s indexing website indexation. During this search engines employ roBOT software (known as crawlers or spiders) to find content. This content is usually new and updated. Content is discovered by links that contain images, articles, videos, etc.

It crawls a website’s page and analyzes the code, the content, the meta tags, and the keywords of your website’s pages. Based on the analysis done by this Google crawler, it categorizes your website and indexes it onto Google’s dataset. Depending upon which meta tags you used (index or no-index), Google will crawl and index your pages. A no-index tag means that that page will not be submitted to the web search’s index.

2. Indexing

The process of crawling leads to adding web pages into Google search. When a website is indexed it means Google considers your content to be worthy enough to be recorded. Google’s vast index of content, web pages, and websites is called Caffeine. This a large list or index that Google uses to provide results to searchers’ queries. Think of Google’s Index as an answer bank with all types of questions! From the list of all the indexed websites, Google ranks websites to determine which are better than the rest.



After indexing all the webpages on its List, Google’s software ranks these pages. It implies that Google ranks your website’s content. Ranking of a website is done in comparison to the other websites that have also created similar content. Thus, the rankings of Google’s index revolve around the topics of these content pages. The topics are the target keywords for which websites want to be ranked for.

Google ranks web pages for keywords and queries searched on its search engine. Google’s rankings are dependent on how relevant a webpage is to a query. Therefore, rankings are from most to least relevant to a query.


Seo to Checker’s Google Indexing checker

How can I check my Google index?

For any webmaster to decide a course of action, they must first check Google indexing for their site. Only by doing this, will they know for certain if their site has been crawled by Google or not. Therefore, it is imperative to use a Google Indexing checker.

Seo to Checker presents a Google indexing checker that is online, free to use, and super easy to navigate!

The following short steps can be followed to ensure that you get the answers you need:

  1. Go to Seo to Checker’s Google Indexing check tool.

  2. Copy the homepage link of the website you wish to find out has been indexed or not.

  3. Paste the link on the search bar of your tool

  4. Submit the URL and view the results


To ensure that you receive information about Google indexing your website we request you to follow the steps above. By inputting your target website’s home indexed by Google. Our tool is very accurate and will give you a clear picture of the number of pages that are needed to be indexed.

You can utilize our tools to accurately assess your competition. Our tool provides you the opportunity to find out how many pages of your competitor are indexed on Google. Based on competitor analysis you can decide whether or not you wish to get more pages of your website indexed on Google. And plan accordingly.


How to get my website indexed?

Getting your website indexed by Google is a task. You need to ensure that Google views the best pages of your website. You must ensure that in doing so, Google crawls the most accurate content and the most useful aspects of your website. For all this to happen correctly, you need to ensure that you provide Google with all the right information. Based on the information you provide, Google will pick up signals and decide whether or not your website’s content is worthy of being ranked on its search console.

We recommend the following few methods to follow when trying to be optimally indexed on Google.

Utilization of Google Search Console

Google search console is an arm of Google and allows you to get your website indexed. By creating an account for your website and inputting your URLs onto the console you alert Google to your website. Through this alert, Google initiates a crawl of your site and proceeds to index the content and pages of your website.

Robots.txt file

This is a file that is able to communicate your intentions to Google crawlers or Google bots. Assume that you do not wish to get some older pages indexed on Google due to them being outdated. A Robot.txt file can be used to block crawlers from analyzing this page. By doing this you prevent one bad page from ruining your website’s overall ranking.

Usage of Meta tags

These include the usage of Meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords. These act as qualifiers and factors that affect your site’s ranking. They can be greatly useful when utilized correctly. Meta tags can be used to persuade Google crawlers to rank your website higher. Based on the information provided you can signal the quality of your site to Google spiders.

XML sitemaps

XML sitemaps are essentially lists of all the pages within your domain. In layman’s terms, the XML site map is a list of all the URLs that comprise your website. These act as roadmaps of your website for google spiders. XML sitemaps help Google crawlers to view all the pages of your website that you deem worthy. These can be edited according to your preferences before being used.

The best way to use XML sitemaps is through the Google search console. This directly alerts Google about the presence of your website. That’s why XML sitemaps are integral for any website to be indexed on Google.

 Analyze Canonical Tags

These tags act as version trackers of websites and web pages. They convey to Googlebot which is your preferred version of a web-page. Sometimes due to oversight, these are not looked at and relay the wrong messages to the Google crawler. Rouge canonical tags can work to the detriment of your site’s status as being Indexed on Google.

Look for Orphaned Pages

When doing a Google index check, it is important to know which pages within your domain are orphans. By orphan pages, we refer to those pages that do not have an internal linking pointing to them. Thus, orphan-linked pages are often difficult to access and view. You must ensure that your pages are not orphaned, since they will be detected by the Google crawlers. It is thus important to know the total number of pages on your website. By knowing this, will it make sense to use SEO to Checker’s Google index checker?

What tools can I Use to help my site Index?

Our Google Index checker will simply check Google's indexing of your page. It will not be able to help you find out which pages are not indexed. By itself, our Google index status checker will also not help you get indexed on Google. Here is our brief list of tools that SEO to Checker provides in order for you to rank:

DA PA Checker

After getting indexed on Google, you will want to see how strong your website fairs against the competition. Keeping this in mind, the Domain authority checker helps you assess your website’s authority or influence compared to others.

XML sitemap generator

This is a powerful tool. It helps you create a list of the web pages on your website that you wished to index on Google. This tool will help you create a list of all the pages based on your priorities and likings.

Meta tag analyzer

This is a very useful tool. It helps you view and objectively assess the meta tags that are used for your pages. It will give you insight as to what works and what doesn’t work. Our tool provides you with a guide that will help you change your meta tags to become optimal.

Meta tag generator

This tool helps you with writing the meta tags for your webpages. By writing proper meta tags you signal quality to Google bots. In doing so, you allow your website to be indexed on Google.

Website’s link counter

In conjunction with the Google index status checker, this tool is very useful. This highlights the total number of links to your domain. By utilizing this tool along with our Index status checker, you know the remaining number of internal links (pages) that are not indexed on Google.

Robot.txt file generator

This tool is useful for communicating your website’s link priorities to search engine crawlers. This tool is a powerful complement to index Websites on Google.



Google index status refers to if your website is present on Google’s list of websites. Search engines like Google index websites based on the keywords and topics they cover. The process of indexing starts with crawling, which entails Google’s software to analyze your website. After this, follows the process of indexing that occurs based on the quality of the website. . Google follows up indexing with ranking. This is done based on the relevance to a topic or query. The more relevant a page is for a query, the higher is its ranking.

You can check if your site has been indexed on Google by using our Google index status checker. This is a very useful tool but only provides you with the status. To get indexed on Google you need to consider a few factors and things in mind. These factors are listed above in the form of a guide.

This tool is best utilized together with other tools. We recommend tools like Robot.txt file generator, Website’s link counter, Meta tag generator, meta tag analyzer, and XML sitemap generator.