Free Alexa Rank Checker: How Do I Check My Alexa Ranking?

Search Engine Optimization

Alexa Rank Checker

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About Alexa Rank Checker

What is Alexa ranking?

This is a metric created by, an extension service of Amazon. Alexa’s ranking metric is an indicator and tells you how popular a website is. Alexa ranking is based on the traffic a specific website receives. It, therefore, highlights how many users visit or have visited your site. While it also accounts for the different pages that receive higher viewership.

How is Alexa rank calculated?

Alexa rank is a global grading system that ranks Billions of websites in order of popularity and usage. It’s estimated by reviewing the average daily unique visitors and the number of page visits for any site. The averages are calculated based on visiting data for the past 3 months. Alexa ranks websites lower based on how the popularity of their domain. Implying the site with the most page visits on average will be given the rank 1.

According to Alexa’s official website, the rank is calculated using a holistic mix of estimates. These estimates are the average daily ‘unique’ visitors to the site and the estimated number of page views on the site over the past 3 months. Unique visitors imply that a website receives traffic from unique Alexa accounts (Alexa users).

Metadata for the Alexa Ranking is based on traffic provided by their “global data panel”. This data is gathered from internet users. It is crucial to account for users of the browser providers available for Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Alexa tool is the extension here. The users of this extension are the ones that are tracked. Thus, when trying to check Alexa ranking, you must know that the data is collected by users of the Alexa toolbar extension. Hence, the Alexa ranking does not consider the information of every internet user but considers over 10 million users of the Alexa extension.

The Alexa ranking algorithm reviews a website. By doing so Alexa’s algorithm calculates the frequency and consistency of visits. If the same user visits a website more than once on the same day, it is counted as a single visit. Therefore, only unique visitors coming to the website are accounted for when checking the Alexa rank.

The parameters used for measuring an individual site’s ranking, two items that are considering during the calculation of the rank are:-

1. Unique daily visitors: the traffic or the number of Alexa users visiting a site in a day.

2. Average page views: number of times a particular page or URL is viewed by Alexa users.

3. A website’s Alexa rank decreases (improves) when both the unique daily visitors and average pageviews increase overall.


What are the reasons to Check Alexa ranking?

By checking a website’s Alexa ranking, we are able to know the ratio of increases of the unique visits to a site and the average viewership of our webpages. This provides us with the following competitive data for analysis:-

1. Unique visits to a site: This metric helps us understand how wide-reaching our website is. We can see the different users visiting our website. Using specific SEO tools such as unique URL trackers, we can track from which sources the traffic is being directed. This analysis can enhance our strategies for digital marketing. We can analyze the backlinks that are performing well and are increasing traffic. We can duplicate the well-performing strategies onto the underachieving websites, backlinks, and sources.

2. Average page views: This metric tells you how interactive, interesting, and engaging your website is. You can do a deep dive by using Google webmaster and analyze the pages that are performing well compared to pages that have a higher bounce-back rate. This statistic helps you to strategize better and increase your Google search ranking. As your ranking on Google increases, your site becomes more popular, leading to an enhanced Alexa rank.

3. Checking Alexa ranking of different sites: Utilizing this tool to check Alexa ranking (for your website and the websites of your competitors) is very useful. By doing so, you are provided a clear picture as to which website has the influence in your industry. You can also estimate the degree by which a competitor leads in the market. Therefore, providing you with the information as per who is the best and by how much? By carrying out a check for Alexa ranking, you see which website receives the most traffic. By checking Alexa's ranking, you also find out which site has the highest user retention rate based on the average page views.

4.       Advertisement purposes: If you are a website that hosts advertisements for other companies on your platform, then Alexa ranking is very useful for you. Having a high Alexa ranking inhibits you to charge more for advertisements and allows you to bring on more customers. As a digital marketer, you look for websites that have a strong Alexa rank. This allows you to partner with them to advertise your clients’ businesses. Alexa ranking also provides you with a gauging meter to compare different advertising platforms.

Alexa Rank Checker

Alexa rank checker is a website traffic tracking tool created by The level of visits to your website is tracked and publicized by Thus, the Alexa rank checker will highlight how popular a website or a blog is. This is considered a popular ranking analyzer since it has over 10 million daily users. Alexa rank checker helps in tracking the number of page views by viewing how many pages unique users visit when they reach your Website. Alexa utilizes other critical parameters, such as unique user visits to a site. These statistics always prove useful at the time when you are carrying out search engine optimization.

One of the main advantages of the Alexa rank checker is that you can easily compare or compete with your site using this great tool and track their performance. By carefully analyzing the statistics provided by the Alexa rank checker, you are able to contribute positively to your website and/ or blogs. Alexa rank checker will help you determine which of your competitor in the market/ industry leader. It will point out, which is your closest competitor in terms of overall popularity. Through analysis of your own, you can optimally utilize the Alexa rank checker to interpret its statistics on website traffic. To rank better, find out what all you need to do and how you should execute it, by analyzing your competition. Alexa rank checker will help you periodically track the popularity of a site.  help you view the sites that are successful so that you can emulate their path.

How to Check Alexa Rank for a site?

To check the Alexa ranking of a website is a very easy task! Simply follow the given short steps and have competitive statistics for Search Engine Optimization in no time:-

  1. Copy the URL of the website of interest. This may be your own website or the site of a competitor. When venturing into any new business (especially online), be sure to check Alexa ranking for your competitors.
  2. Input the target Website’s URL in the bar of our Alexa rank checker. Get results and metrics displaying the retention rate and popularity of a website via the statistics about the site’s traffic.
  3. Analyze the data from the Alexa rank checker and form strategies to improve your you positioning in the industry.

Top 5 ways to improve your Alexa Ranking

Alexa ranking may not be the perfect estimate for the popularity of a website, but it is a good estimate. Here are some useful ways that will help boost your Alexa ranking:

1. Optimize the metadata for your website’s content!

For SEO and improvement of the Alexa ranking, it is important to add metadata to your content! This entails meta titles (using correct HTML tags for titles and optimizing the titles). It also entails optimized meta descriptions, which briefly summarize your content.

2. Write Content People Are Looking for

Research topics that are trending through Google trends or keyword researching tools to find out which topics attract volume! Be specific with the information you are providing, vague answers to queries often increase your bounce-back rate. By creating high-quality content you are able to attract more users, while engaging content helps you increase your site’s page views. This not only improves SEO by getting people to your site but also allows you to rank for revenue-driving and high-ranking keywords.

3. Enhance your Social Media presence!

In a world of social media having over 3 billion users makes it important to have your digital imprint on platforms beyond your own website. There are social media platforms for everyone and each of these attracts a multitude of different users. For people who like traveling and pictures, there is Instagram. For people who belong to niche communities and like discussing their views there is Reddit. Those people who enjoy world affairs and like sensational world discussions use Twitter. Ensure that you are able to identify which platforms raise the most searches for your industry. Target that platform that will benefit has your customers. This is to ensure your customers find you on social networks and not just your domain.

4.     Update Your Site Regularly

Make sure you keep your content fresh and your site easy to navigate. In this digital world, it is easy to become outdated if you are not on your toes! It's important that your users are satisfied and surprised by your website and content. Periodic updates increase engagement and build up anticipation among frequent users. This will warrant people to explore more pages of your site as well.

5.     Increase Web Traffic

Make sure you implement the SEO techniques listed above and ensure that you do so correctly. Increasing traffic is difficult and takes time. Every industry along with all individual players in each industry has different strategies. Ensure you check the Alexa ranking of competitors and analyze what is working for them. Employ a healthy mixture of backlink building methods and update your website periodically. Ensure that as your website’s Alexa ranking improves, your server can handle the traffic!

How does an improvement of the Alexa ranking help my website?

A decrease in Alexa ranking or improvement of the Alexa ranking helps your online businesses greatly! For collaborative and partnership purposes, it is very important to check Alexa ranking. Let us consider the following:

  1. You are a business looking for e-commerce platforms to display your products. However, your strategies or budget prohibits to partner with more than one platform. Alexa ranking is a good grading system with which you can estimate which website is more likely to help your business more.
  2. Now consider you have a blog. By having a better Alexa ranking you attract more writers to come aboard. More influencers also want to provide interviews. While having more sources and avenues to provide you with information. Due to the decrease in Alexa ranking, you are able to collaborate with better personnel and thus, create better content.
  3. If you are an online business. By having a better (lower) Alexa rank, you are able to reach out to highly ranked websites and create backlinks. It is easier to have backlinks created for your website when you have a better Alexa ranking.


Alexa rank is a metric invented by, that is used to track the popularity of a website by analyzing the traffic and viewership of pages. Alexa rating is calculated by accounting for the users that use the Alexa toolbar on chrome, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, etc. To check Alexa ranking, you can use our free tool and find competitive statistics at any time!

Digital marketing benefits by checking Alexa's ranking are very great. You can see the unique visitors and the page viewership based on averages from 3 months worth of data. You can enhance your digital marketing profile if you strive for higher ranks, making reaching out and collaboration easier. For finding advertisement partners, it is suggested to check the Alexa rank of advertising platforms, to know which sites merit your business.

You can increase your Alexa ranking by optimizing your content, writing about what the people want, increasing your web traffic, update your site frequently, and create a social media presence.

Improvement of your Alexa rank will make a lot of aspects of digital marketing easier. Finding collaborators, reaching out to bloggers and influencers, reaching out for backlink creation, and being able to advertise become easier when your Alexa ranking score is strong.