Best Online Keyword Position Checker Tool- Seo To Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Position Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



About Keyword Position Checker


Keyword Position Checker & Google Rank Tracker


Competitive intelligence in SEO

Search engine optimization is highly concentrated on market research and competitive advantage. As a competitive website or online business, it is your job to know all about your competition and how they rank on Google. You should be aware of the strategies being employed by your rivals to compete against you on search engines.

Users within your niche, find websites similar to yours on search engines such as Google. They type their queries and find the results presented by Google. These results are based on Google Keywords. Google ranks websites for specific keywords. Search engines factor in volume and traffic generated, articles are written, and quality of the content of a website before ranking it. 


Keywords are of two types (primary and secondary) and both types are covered in articles to ensure that they are holistic. Keywords are featured on URLs, meta tags, and reviews of a website’s content. They play a crucial role in the ranking of a website and thus need to be looked at carefully when analyzing the search engine rank of a website.

Keyword Positioning

The keyword position is the rank that a website holds on the search engines. These ranks are about other competing websites, based on a given keyword. Sites in a specific niche, usually end up competing with the same websites for multiple keywords, on search engines.


The aim of an SEO-savvy website owner or manager is always to rank high. Digital marketers work to capture and hold any of the coveted top 3 positions in SERPs. Top-3 title rank for any website for a good keyword is impressive, to say the least. It takes focus and revisionistic analysis of your industry. To analyze the same, you need to know who's positioned above you for specific keywords. That way, you'll be able to devise an effective SEO strategy to reach your goals. Only by looking at others and looking within, can you see what works and what does not.


We recommend analyzing the passages and content of your competitors. This will help you to fully understand why certain competitors may outrank for certain keywords. However, doing so can be a task. You can know every website that is in your niche but you may not know their specific ranking for specific keywords. Seotochecker’s keyword position checker is a tool that will help you track the ranking of websites. These keyword-based rankings for websites are the ones that these sites hold on search engines.

SEO to checker’s Keyword position Checker

Seotochecker’s keyword position checker is a powerful and free SEO tool online. It provides you the ranking of a website on search engines, based on keywords. By providing a list of up to 50 organic keywords for any website, you can find out how that site ranks for each of the keywords.


This helps you know where your competition lies concerning the keywords used. Our keyword rank checker is a tool that is very useful when you are targeting a specific keyword to rank for on Google. This keyword position checker provides a website’s rank for the targeted keyword. You can utilize other tools in conjunction with this tool to extract perfect intel. Seo to checker’s Keyword suggestion tool can be used to generate keywords. The keywords can be cross-referenced with the competing websites in your industry.


By tracking the ranking of a website for a keyword, you can dive deeper into the keyword at hand. Checking the keyword positioning of a website can lead to either further analysis of the website or analysis of another competitor.


Websites that unwittingly rank for keywords should be carefully looked at. Aspects such as page outlay, URL codes, Meta tags, and content should be observed. In doing so, you can identify which points highlight the superiority of a website for specific keywords it is ranking for.


How to check Google Keyword ranking?

Analysis of keyword positioning is very important for all digital marketers! Seotochecker provides you with a step-by-step guide. Follow this guide to properly utilize our Google keyword ranking checker:

1.   Use SERP to your advantage

Search your niche industry on Google and other search engines. This will provide you with a list of all the competitive websites in your industry. Note them down for tracking purposes.

2.   Utilize Seo to checker’s Keyword suggestion tool

This tool will help you generate keywords similar to your target keyword. This tool will provide you with a brief list of keywords that are generating traffic for your niche industry.


3.   Using Seo to checker Keyword position checker

The keyword position checker is easy to use. Simply:

3.1 input the URL of a competitive website of your industry onto the search bar.

3.2 Fill in all the suggested keywords onto the “keyword list bar”.

3.3 Select the “Submit” option.

3.4 Get that website’s ranking for the specific keywords provided.

4.   Repeat the process

Carry out the same process for different topics of your industry. In doing so, you create a wholesome list of all the competitors. This will help you with creating the benchmarks for each topic within your industry. The repetition of this process will give you the names of all sites that are truly competitive for multiple keywords and topics.



In order to be a competitive website, you must be willing to do market research and find your competitive advantage within your industry. Data is the key when it comes to modern SEO. Data regarding search engine queries and Keywords are very important. This is what drives the analysis of competition under digital marketing today. Keyword ranking is one such crucial data point to be studied when planning out your digital marketing strategy.


The keyword ranking implies the rank a website has on Google concerning a specific keyword. The keyword ranking of a website gives us insight into the level of competition this website poses to our website. Competitive websites tend to rank high for all of their target keywords.


You must curate a list of competitors from Google SERP to analyze. You should ideally, also create a list of the keywords that fall under the topics of your industry. Using Seotochecker’s Keyword ranking checker helps to cross-reference the websites and keywords rankings. This will give you insight as to which websites’ strategies work. Therefore, by knowing what works you can consider what strategy you can employ.