Online Keyword Density Checker: Keyword Analyzer Tool

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Keyword Density Checker

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About Keyword Density Checker


What is Keyword Density?

A keyword is the main topical word for a paragraph. The keyword refers to the single word that an article, passage, essay, or content piece is about. There can be multiple keywords for a text but only one will be the main or the focal keyword. The frequency with which a keyword or a topical word is used in a text is called keyword density. The number of times per 100 words a keyword was used in an article, content, blog, or any written piece is called keyword density. For example, in a passage of 3000 words if a  keyword is used 60 times, then the keyword density of that passage is 2%.


Why is keyword density important?

Keyword density is a very crucial aspect of the content writing process:

  • As a content writer for a blog or a website, your primary goal is to optimize your content in relation to the user’s queries.
  • But in order for users to find your content, they must first find your website.
  • To enhance search results for your website to improve you need to consider MULTIPLE factors.
  • One main factor is the performance of your article with respect to the searches.
  • In order for your website’s article to come up on SERP, it must be indexed by Google.
  • A great way to get your article indexed for specific searches is to optimally utilize the keyword frequency.
  • When you input keywords at a good density level in your content, Google will recognize your page and crawl it. Search engines will review your content due to its usage of a specific keyword.
  • Your content will be analyzed, by search engines, for its relevance to the keyword being used. After which your content will be indexed by Google if the page shows signs of relevance to the topic.

Therefore, it is very useful to have a keyword density check with you when writing commercial content. A keyword density checker will be able to make sure you know how frequently your keyword is being used!


How to check Keyword density?

Although it may seem wise to use a keyword as much as possible to get indexed by Google, it is not the correct strategy. Google has very complex BOTs and crawlers that are able to detect if a word is being used excessively without it being necessary. The over-usage of Keywords within an article is referred to as “Keyword stuffing”. Google is able to detect keyword stuffing in an article or passage and penalizes the website’s ranking. Search engines frown up keyword stuffing as it is viewed as a spam method of improving a website’s ranking.

Keyword density is all about balance. You must check the keyword density of other players in your industry. You should observe how your word density has affected their ranking. When using a keyword density calculator you must make sure you know the industry standard of keyword density. The best way of doing this is to analyze the articles of the top ranking websites in your niche. Seotochecker’s keyword density checker is a free and an easy to navigate tool. It provides you with accurate analysis as per the word density in your article or passage for website SEO purposes.

As a content writer, you may unknowingly do Keyword stuffing in your article. Even though your article may be relevant, accurate, and well-written, you may not rank high due to keyword stuffing. Google and other search engines will detect this. Due to this, they will penalize any website that performs this technique. As a website owner/ manager you must ensure that your articles are used to check keyword density. Seotochecker’s Keyword Density tool will ensure that you get the correct keyword density count. By performing a keyword density check you will be able to rectify the over usage of words. Utilizing the Keyword density checker will help you find weaknesses in your passages. Repetition in a text is often the case of a lack of knowledge or unclarity regarding the core subject. By finding these repetitive points, you are in a position to find better alternatives to the keywords. Ensure that the alternatives you find, act as good substitutes. However, if you are unable to find alternatives for the keywords you are writing about, you can use another tool. Seotochecker’s Keyword Position tool will give you a list of similar keyword ideas to your core topical word. This can be used to rectify and improve your article’s keyword density. It will help you focus on other core words as well, instead of concentrating primarily on one.


How does the Keyword density checker work?

Seotochecker’s Keyword density checker is not just a free tool but also a very easy-to-use tool. You have to follow these simples steps to get the best results:

  1. Go to the content you are writing to publish on your website.
  2. Copy the entire content from your document. (this website does not record or monitor the text that you input on our tool)
  3. Click on the icon to get results
  4. Get the analysis of the keyword density in your text.
  5. Make changes as you see fit!

Seotochecker provides you with a free keyword density checker. This allows you to minimize repetition in your content! But also, Seotochecker provides you with a guide for all the different ways you can use the keyword density analyzer. Seotochecker also provides complementary tools that can be used together with this tool!


Strategies for Keyword density

Search engines were unaware of the excessive use of keywords in website articles for ranking reasons. Google has not explicitly stated that keyword density is a major factor affecting ranking. But data has shown that keyword density matters when ranking websites on search engines. SEO and digital marketing specialists believe that keyword density is a major factor and should be utilized. The following is Seotochecker’s guide to consider when writing articles and looking at keyword density:

● Ideal Limit

The ideal keyword count of an article depends greatly on the topic, the industry, and the relevance of the topical keyword. Keyword density checking has brought up some interesting statistics based on studies. One such study was conducted by industry leaders, which is a subsidiary of Amazon. Alexa has studied Articles with ~2% keyword density are more likely to be ranked well. They believe that 2% is the limit for the amount a word should be featured in a passage. Alexa’s study shows that website articles with a Keyword Density of 2% are favoured over articles with more density.

Despite it being an ideal limit, the 2% mark can be made flexible at times. You must consider that if the keyword density increases beyond this, search engines will filter the word out and check for relevance. Ensure that your article has utilized keywords in such a way that the content around the keyword only makes sense when the word is inserted.

You can extend the limit of 2% for keyword density but do so with caution. When extending your keyword density limit, draw an upper limit of the word density based on the competition you face. Your competition will give you a lot of hints as to how you can approach articles for your industry!

● Know your competition

You must know who is your industry competition and who is your industry leader. Often your industry leader will have a strong brand value. This brand value allows them to exceed keyword density limits. Industry leaders will often be held to a different standard. Therefore, their mistakes will not have the same repercussions. That's why Websites with millions of visitors are not penalized greatly for short-sightedness. Most industry leaders have gone probably through the right channels to reach the first page of Google results. Thus, if you are an established website with 1000s of monthly visits you should compare yourself to those sites that also have equivalent traffic. If you are a newer website with barely any traffic, you should compare your website to those which are relatively unknown.

We recommend that you observe at least 5 competitors in your niche. This will help you gauge your standing within the industry. When doing competitor analysis it is important to also have at least 1 website which is on an upper level than yours. This implies that if you are a top 50 website, you should observe 5 sites to compare and 1 site (that is a top 5 website) to look up to. This will give you an insight as to where your strategies lie when being compared to the best!

● Analyze your website’s competition

We recommend that you analyze your competition’s articles when writing your own. This will help you gauge the total number of times you should write your targetted keyword in the article. By doing so, you will be able to check the keyword density of your competition. But also you will be able to see the relation to which they have utilized their keyword. Analyzing their content will illuminate the different keywords they have used. By checking keyword density, you are in the position to alter your plan based on the data available to you.

● Avoid Keyword Stuffing

It is very important that you do not excessively use keywords in your article. This will affect your rankings on search engines. It will also lead to your message being lost in the passage and the user will be left unhappy. The overuse of topical words is an outdated strategy. Google has found a measure to penalize this method and in doing has reduced it to a great extent.

By using Seotochecker’s Keyword density checker you are provided the stats about your content. Analysis of which will highlight the keywords that have been stuffed. You can find alternatives to your over-utilized keyword by inputting that word on Seotochecker’s Keyword Suggestion Tool. This will guide you as per the types of keywords that are similar to your target. You can also utilize Seotochecker’s Keyword Position Checker. which will highlight the keywords that are good traffic bringers. The utilization of multiple tools is a good way of carrying out SEO for your website. This provides you with a holistic approach to boost your article!